YES VM Vaginal Moisturising Gel 100ml

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  • YES VM Vaginal Moisturising Gel 100ml

YES VM Vaginal Moisturising Gel 100ml

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    YES VM is a long-lasting natural vaginal moisturising gel. Designed to match the typical vaginal environment with none of the skin damaging or concerning chemicals typically found in vaginal moisturisers.

    YES VM is also available via NHS prescription.

    YES VM Key Features:

    Relieves vaginal atrophy and dryness, rapidly
    Alleviates irritation, itching and burning
    Moisturises and soothes dry and sensitive vaginal tissues
    Gentle and long-lasting rehydration
    Non-hormonal, estrogen-free
    Lasts up to 3 days per application
    Case studies show YES VM relieves vaginal dryness, itching, irritation and discomfort rapidly
    pH matched to restore and/or maintain vaginal health
    Bio-adhesive so releases moisture where needed
    Odourless, colourless, no stickiness or fallout
    Designed to match tissue osmolality* (this is important, see below)
    Compatible with natural rubber, latex and polyisoprene condoms and toys
    Internationally patent protected